Violin Supplies
The Violin
Please indicate on the sign up form (link to form located in the top right corner) whether or not you plan to RENT or BORROW a violin. If you plan on renting your child’s instrument, please click on “Music Stores” in the top right corner to access local vendors. Do not purchase instruments off of amazon or ebay without consulting Mrs. Israel.
String Basics, Book 1
The music book WILL BE PROVIDED this year by the county! You can purchase an extra one, if you feel your child needs it, on any of the following websites: Amazon, Guitar Center, West Music, or Schmitt Music. Please account for shipping times. You may also purchase this book at any Music&Arts stores.
Extra Strings, Rosin, & Shoulder Rest
Sometimes strings break. It’s useful to have 1 extra set of strings on hand. All violin players must also have a shoulder rest and plenty of rosin (rosin is needed to use the violin bow). All of these supplies can be found at most music stores.
Shoulder Rest (select correct SIZE)
Extra Strings (search for the size you need)
Viola Supplies
The Viola
Please indicate on the sign up form (link to form located in the top right corner) whether or not you plan to RENT or BORROW a viola. If you plan on renting your child’s instrument, please click on “Music Stores” in the top right corner to access local vendors. Do not purchase instruments off of amazon or ebay without consulting Mrs. Israel.
String Basics, Book 1
The music book WILL BE PROVIDED this year by the county! You can purchase an extra one, if you feel your child needs it, on any of the following websites: Amazon, Guitar Center, West Music, or Schmitt Music. Please account for shipping times. You may also purchase this book at any Music&Arts stores.
Extra Strings, Rosin, & Shoulder Rest
Sometimes strings break. It’s useful to have 1 extra set of strings on hand. All viola players must also have a shoulder rest and plenty of rosin (rosin is needed to use the viola bow). All of these supplies can be found at most music stores.
Shoulder Rest (select correct SIZE)
Extra Strings (search for the size you need)
Cello Supplies
The Cello
Please indicate on the sign up form (link to form located in the top right corner) whether or not you plan to RENT or BORROW a cello. If you plan on renting your child’s instrument, please click on “Music Stores” in the top right corner to access local vendors. Do not purchase instruments off of amazon or ebay without consulting Mrs. Israel.
String Basics, Book 1
The music book WILL BE PROVIDED this year by the county! You can purchase an extra one, if you feel your child needs it, on any of the following websites: Amazon, Guitar Center, West Music, or Schmitt Music. Please account for shipping times. You may also purchase this book at any Music&Arts stores.
Extra Strings, Rosin, & Rock Stop
Sometimes strings break. It’s useful to have 1 extra set of strings on hand. All cello players must also have a rock stop and plenty of rosin (rosin is needed to use the cello bow). All of these supplies can be found at most music stores.
Extra Strings (search for the size you need)
Bass Supplies
The Double Bass
Please indicate on the sign up form (link to form located in the top right corner) whether or not you plan to RENT or BORROW a bass. If you plan on renting your child’s instrument, please click on “Music Stores” in the top right corner to access local vendors. Do not purchase instruments off of amazon or ebay without consulting Mrs. Israel.
String Basics, Book 1
The music book WILL BE PROVIDED this year by the county! You can purchase an extra one, if you feel your child needs it, on any of the following websites: Amazon, Guitar Center, West Music, or Schmitt Music. Please account for shipping times. You may also purchase this book at any Music&Arts stores.
Extra Strings, Rosin, & Rock Stop
Sometimes strings break. It’s useful to have 1 extra set of strings on hand. All bass players must also have a rock stop and plenty of rosin (rosin is needed to use the bass bow). All of these supplies can be found at most music stores.
Extra Strings (search for the size you need)